Lighting Surveys
Using calibrated light measurement equipment we can undertake various types of lighting surveys.
Baseline Lighting Survey
Sometimes it is necessary to visit your development and its surroundings to establish the lighting baseline.
- Identify and record the quantity and type of existing light sources local to your development
- Identify and record all sensitive receptors which have the potential of being affected by lighting at your development
- Take light measurements using calibrated monitoring equipment
- Informed by the survey results, we can assign an appropriate Environmental Zone which will define the maximum compliant levels of light pollution which could be emitted from your development.
Post-installation verification
Local authorities increasingly ask for evidence that a lighting installation has been installed in accordance with an approved design.
- Review the design intent and check against as-fitted information
- Visit site to verify lighting positions, types, and controls equipment
- Take sample light measurements on and off site
- Summarise the findings in report format and, if necessary, provide remediation measures.
Compliance checks
Ascertain the suitability of an existing lighting installation. This could be assessing the potential impact of a lighting installation close to your proposed development.
- Visit site to verify lighting positions, types, and controls equipment
- Take sample light measurements on and off site
- Summarise the findings in report format and provide any recommendations to ensure light pollution will not be an issue at your development.
This list is non-exhaustive. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your lighting survey needs.
Get started today!
For further information, quotes, no-obligation advice, and any lighting related queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!